Thursday, November 24, 2011

Top 50 Iron Rich Foods - Boost Your Energy and Beat Low Iron Symptoms

!±8± Top 50 Iron Rich Foods - Boost Your Energy and Beat Low Iron Symptoms

Increasing your intake of iron rich foods should not be too difficult. All it takes is for you to know which of the foods you eat are rich in iron, and start planning your meals accordingly. Sadly, the extent of most people's knowledge, when it comes to iron and iron rich foods, is just too limited.
For a quick read on where to start you can read our article on Foods with an Iron Punch, but here we'll give a much more in depth overview of the best iron Rich Foods complete with their Iron content.
The data has been extracted from the USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference Release 22 from September 2009 which contains all the nutritional data for well over 7,000 food items. Unfortunately you can't just download the database and do a quick sort on Iron content to give you the best Iron Rich Foods. Actually you can, but the problem is that the list you get won't be very helpful in your daily life as the top items would be things like freeze dried parsley, dried thyme, beluga meat, cumin seed and all kinds of other foods you wouldn't eat in large enough quantities to help you load up on Iron.
We have done the hard work for you and have carefully reviewed the USDA database and compiled this list of Top 50 Iron Rich Foods and have listed them by category so you know that when you eat meat what meat to choose, when you buy vegetables what to put in your shopping cart and when you need a quick snack what can help you boost your iron intake in just a few minutes.
This list is not a complete list of the iron content of all possible food items - if you don't see it here it just means it isn't particularly high on Iron.
Eat these Iron Rich Foods, combine them with Iron Absorption Enhancers, avoid Iron Absorption Inhibitors and you'll be well on your way to boost your Iron levels and get rid of those Low Iron Symptoms!
Breakfast Cereals
Fortified breakfast cereal is one of your best bets to boost your Iron intake and below is a short list of some of them. As you can see eating just a single serving of these will give you around 18 mg Iron, but bear in mind that the typical absorption rate of a healthy adult is only approximately 10% to 15% of dietary iron. So drink a glass of Orange juice with your cereal to boost your absorption. Also, bear in mind that the last two items in this last are dry, i.e. before you have added milk or water to them!
Ralston Enriched Bran Flakes: 27 mg/cup Kellog's Complete Oat Bran Flakes: 25 mg/cup General Mills Multi-Grain Cheerios: 24 mg/cup Kellog's All-Bran Complete Wheat Flakes: 24 mg/cup Malt-O-Meal, plain, dry: 92 mg/cup Cream of Wheat, instant, dry: 51 mg/cup

Red meat is high on iron and it comes in the heme form you body most easily absorbs; typically 15% to 35% of heme iron is absorbed by your body. Organ meats are the best sources of iron within the meat category and of these liver is probably the most popular so we've included it the list since we don't know too many people who'll eat spleen or lungs we've excluded these kinds of organs. If you like liver then go for goose liver expensive, but very nice! or at least opt for pork liver instead of beef liver. When you opt for red meat in your diet add some less standard options like Emu, Ostrich or Duck instead of beef.
Goose liver, raw: 31 mg / 100g Pork liver, cooked: 18 mg / 100g Chicken liver, cooked: 13 mg / 100g Lamb liver, cooked: 10 mg / 100g Beef liver, cooked: 7 mg / 100g Emu, cooked: 7 mg / 100g Ostrich oyster, cooked: 5 mg / 100g Quail meat, raw: 5 mg / 100g Duck breast, raw: 5 mg / 100g Beef, steak, cooked: 4 mg / 100g Beef, ground, cooked: 3 mg / 100g

Fish and Shellfish
Fish is not often considered as a good source of iron and most finfish is indeed not, only the oily fish like mackerel and sardines provide you with a decent amount of iron. So when you want to eat fish, opt for oily fish which gives you the most iron and is high in omega-3 too. When you add shellfish into the equation suddenly we find some of the best Iron Rich Foods you can find, especially clams think clam chowder. A quick comparison with the meat category shows that octopus or cuttlefish beat all the regular meats in terms of iron content and are only outdone by liver. So, it's time to add some stir fried squid to your weekly menu.
Clams, canned, drained solids: 28 mg / 100g Clams, cooked: 28 mg / 100g Fish caviar, black and red: 12 mg / 100g Cuttlefish, cooked: 11 mg / 100g Octopus, cooked: 10 mg / 100g Oyster, medium sized, cooked: 10 mg / 100g Anchovy, canned in oil: 5 mg / 100g Shrimp, cooked: 3 mg / 100g Sardine, canned in oil: 3 mg / 100g Mackerel, cooked: 2 mg / 100g

Vegetables are an essential part of your diet, full of essential nutrients and most people don't eat enough of them, but when it comes to Iron most vegetables are not too hot. If you choose your vegetables carefully then can use vegetables to help you boost your iron levels, especially if you include some iron absorption enhancers in your diet as the non-heme iron in vegetables is not easily absorbed by your body. Vegetables in the Top 50 Iron Rich Foods include various beans, potato skins, tomatoes and green leafy vegetables like spinach, chard and parsley. Chili con carne, which combines meat, kidney beans and tomato sauce, makes an excellent Iron Rich Recipe, but so does a white bean salad with plenty of fresh parsley and light vinaigrette.
Mushrooms, morel, raw: 12 mg / cup Tomatoes, sun-dried: 5 mg / cup Potato skins, baked: 4 mg / skin Parsley, raw: 4 mg / cup Soybeans, boiled: 9 mg / cup Spinach, boiled, drained: 6 mg / cup Tomato sauce, canned: 9 mg / cup Lentils, boiled: 7 mg / cup Hearts of palm, canned: 5 mg / cup White Beans, canned: 8 mg / cup Kidney beans, boiled: 5 mg / cup Chickpeas, boiled: 5 mg / cup Pinto Beans, frozen, boiled: 3 mg / cup Lima beans, boiled: 4 mg / cup Hummus, commercial: 6 mg / cup Swiss Chard, boiled, chopped: 4 mg / cup Asparagus, canned: 4 mg / cup Chickpeas, canned: 3 mg / cup Tomatoes, canned: 3 mg / cup Sweet potato, canned, mashed: 3 mg / cup Endive, raw: 4 mg / head

Nuts and Seeds
Nuts and seeds are great Iron Rich Foods in that they have a pretty high iron content and are so versatile that you can eat them in many ways. A quick snack on some cashew nuts is filling, healthy and gives plenty of iron - tasty too! Pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds can be easily toasted and added to a salad for a nice crunch and an iron boost. Sesame seeds are used in a variety of Asian dishes and all of these can be used in baking or as a quick addition to your breakfast cereal. Just make sure you always have some in the house and you'll soon find many ways to add them into your day-to-day food.
Sesame seeds, whole, dried: 21 mg/cup Pumpkin seeds and squash seed kernels, dried: 11 mg/cup Sunflower seed kernels, toasted: 9 mg/cup Cashew nuts, dry roasted, halves and whole: 8 mg/cup Pistachio nuts, dry roasted: 5 mg/cup Almonds, whole kernels, blanched: 5 mg/cup

Fresh fruit is not rich in Iron, but dried fruit like apricots, peaches or prunes are great Iron Rich Snacks to eat in between meals or to add to various recipes. The one thing you must remember about fresh fruit is that most of it contains a lot of Vitamin C and since Vitamin is an Iron Absorption Enhancer eating fresh fruit or vegetables high in Vitamin C with your meal can greatly boost the amount of iron your body actually absorbs.
Apricots, dehydrated low-moisture: 8 mg/cup Peaches, dehydrated low-moisture: 6 mg/cup Prunes, dehydrated low-moisture: 5 mg/cup Olives, canned jumbo: 0.3 mg / olive Currants, dried: 5 mg/cup Apricots, dried, sulfured, uncooked: 4 mg/cup Blueberries, canned: 7 mg/cup

Iron Rich Snacks
Apart from the nuts and dried fruit there are quick and easy Iron Rich Snacks which you can simply buy in the supermarket and use as a instant Iron Booster. Below or some examples, but if you're planning to buy some bars or drinks then you need to remember to check the nutrition labels on the actual products you buy as the actual Iron content can vary greatly from brand to brand and even from product to product within the same brand.
Nestle Supligen, canned supplement drink 9 mg / can Snickers Marathon Honey Nut Oat Bar: 8 mg / bar Snickers Marathon Double Chocolate Nut Bar 8 mg / bar Snickers Marathon Multigrain Crunch Bar: 8 mg / bar Pretzels, soft: 6 mg / large Trail mix, regular: 3 mg / cup

Dairy products are not high in Iron, but do contain a lot of calcium and calcium has been known to act as a Iron Absorption Inhibitor so you should try and eat calcium rich foods separate from your Iron Rich Foods as much as possible. Eggs are not too high in Iron, but egg yolks are not too bad and if you can find fresh goose eggs they could be used in a great Iron Rich Breakfast!
Goose Egg, whole: 5 mg / egg Egg yolk, raw: 7 mg iron / cup Egg, scrambled: 3 mg iron / cup

Top 50 Iron Rich Foods - Boost Your Energy and Beat Low Iron Symptoms

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Nespresso C180W Le Cube Automatic Espresso Machine, Arctic White

!±8± Nespresso C180W Le Cube Automatic Espresso Machine, Arctic White

Rate : | Price : | Post Date : Nov 20, 2011 20:42:08

Nespresso has developed a unique extraction system specially adapted to capsules. It controls every vital setting when preparing a perfect espresso. Nespresso machines have been designed with renowned partners and designers, and bring out the taste and aromas of coffee by combining quality of design with ease of use. The Nespresso C100 Essenza Automatic Machine is part of our compact line, which features a modern, compact, and practical design. The machine deploys technology essential for preparing an outstanding Espresso, and is exceptionally easy to use: Automatic control of the amount of coffee in the cup. A high pressure pump (19 bars) extracts all the aromas and develops a smooth crema in the cup. A thermobloc which heats water to 187°and 196° during extraction and empties the remaining water after each use so that the water is fresh for each preparation. A simple system which perforates the capsule and soaks all the ground coffee to optimally filter the coffee. A functional handle system, which allows for easy coffee preparation.Automatic ejection of used capsule. Removable water container (34 oz). Tray for used capsules. Back-lit control button

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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Portion Shockers

!±8± Portion Shockers

Ever since I read the book The Portion Teller a few years back, I have been intrigued by portion sizes. Gradually, over the years, the size of our meals (and even our plates) has increased and as a result, so has our waistlines.

I am convinced that the #1 reason for the obesity epidemic in America is due to our portion sizes. If you've ever been to another country you've noticed two things; the people are smaller and the meals are smaller. The relationship between the two is not a coincidence.

Human nature is that we will eat most, if not all, that is in front of us. Can you remember the last time you took a few bites of a cookie and threw the rest away? How about a piece of pizza, a hot dog, or an ice cream cone? Not likely.

We are now so accustomed to the larger portion sizes that we're served and we don't think twice about finishing every last bite. I think if we were made more aware of just how big our portions are we might think about pouring a little less cereal, not going for the second or third slice of pizza, or splitting dessert with a friend.

Here are some portion shockers from Lisa Young's book The Portion Teller:

Sizzler offers a 24-ounce porterhouse steak. This is equal to three days' worth of meat according to USDA recommendations. A typical muffin weighs in at over 6 ounces and contains more than an entire day's worth of grains.Between 1984 and 1987 the exact same chocolate chip cookie recipe on the back of the Nestle TOLL HOUSE package scaled down the number of cookies it makes from 100 to 60.In 1964 Burger King offered a 12-ounce small and a 16-ounce large soft drink. Today's drinks come in five sizes: 12-ounce kiddie, 16-ounce small, 22-ounce medium, 32-ounce large and 42-ounce king.The first Hershey Milk Chocolate bar weighed .6 ounces. Today they range from 1.6 ounces to 8 ounces.

This is just the beginning of our super sized culture, and my hope is that with this knowledge comes power. Start thinking about what a serving should actually look like and make a goal to cut back on the amount of food you eat throughout the day.

Portion Shockers

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Sunday, November 6, 2011

A History of Chocolate

!±8± A History of Chocolate

I find the best way to consider the history of chocolate is to actually eat some while I'm reading! We can thank the Mayan Indians for discovering and planting the first cocoa plants in 1500 BC, when the Olmec Indians began to grow them. They used to dry out the beans and then grind it up and use as the base of a watery drink just like we do with tea or coffee today. This was such a delicacy that only the social elite were able to afford such luxury by the time of the Mayans. When Columbus first began to explore the new world he was introduced to the coco bean as cargo a Mayan trader was carrying.

Europeans Invent the First Chocolate Drink

Cacao beans were not very popular after Columbus brought back the first supplies. In fact it took some laterally minded monks to try the drink as a hot beverage. This immediately became popular throughout Spain. Soon Chocolate Houses opened throughout Europe. In the 1700's the first steam mechanized coco grinders which lead to a price drop in coco production that made chocolate available for all.

At Last - Solid Eating Chocolate

As the hot drink spread as a favorite drink, people became more adventurous and experimented with using the cacao beans differently. Soon the powder was being used in cakes and desserts. It became obvious that the combination with sugar was a vital developmental step. Around the time of the American Revolutionary War, Bakers Chocolate Company began large scale manufacturing.

The Chocolate Revolution Begins

Whilst the Bakers Chocolate Company was influential in North America, the Dutch were quickly moving to widespread use of Cocoa powder produced by a process named after the country, the "Dutching" method. This process produced a fine grained powder which is still a favorite with chocolate connoisseurs.

Chocolate Spreads its Wings

Soon chocolate began to be used to make candies of varyoing types. The "Dutched" method lent itself to multiple uses and when combined with cocoa butter the modern chocolate styles began to emerge. This was especially evident with the production of moldable treats which we call chocolate truffles.

The history of chocolate in America features a rich diversity of baked goods and candies. One of the baked goods beloved by Americans are brownies, the first published recipe for this now classic treat was published in the Sears Roebuck Catalogue back at the end of the 19th century. The Hershey Company and the Nestle Company were making so much money in the United States, that a Belgian confection maker opened Godiva Chocolate Company in 1926; all three companies are still popular chocolate manufacturers today.

A History of Chocolate

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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Mr. Coffee Cocomotion Hot Chocolate Maker

!±8± Mr. Coffee Cocomotion Hot Chocolate Maker

Brand : Mr. Coffee | Rate : | Price : $39.99
Post Date : Oct 27, 2011 22:40:10 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

  • Makes up to 4 mugs of frothy hot chocolate
  • Auto-Off fuction provides extra safety
  • Convenient on/off indicator light
  • Mixing disc whips hot cocoa quickly and easily
  • Easy to clean

More Specification..!!

Mr. Coffee Cocomotion Hot Chocolate Maker

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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Nestle Toll House Semi Sweet Chocolate Morsels, 24-Ounce Packages (Pack of 12)

!±8± Nestle Toll House Semi Sweet Chocolate Morsels, 24-Ounce Packages (Pack of 12)

Brand : Nestle | Rate : | Price : $64.99
Post Date : Oct 24, 2011 04:20:05 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Nestle toll house are made from real semi-sweet chocolate, these morsels reward bakers with versatility and convenience in dessert and candy making. Our Nestle toll house semi-sweet chocolate morsels are favorites that can be used in a wide variety of recipes or eaten right from the bag.

  • Pack of twelve, 24-ounce Packages (total of 288 ounces)
  • Semi-sweet chocolate morsels
  • Made from a special blend of high-quality cocoa beans

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